Metalware Restoration and Replating Service

The Clergy Store offers outstanding services for church appointments and the restoration of sacred vessels. Each year, we undertake the meticulous restoration of numerous valuable church supplies, earning a reputation for exceptional quality and value.

Our local artisans specializing in sacred vessel replating exclusively employ the finest 24 karat gold and sterling silver materials. Your cherished sacred vessels receive the careful attention they deserve from our experienced ecclesiastical craftsmen.

Traditionally fashioned from three different base materials—sterling silver, nickel silver, or brass—sacred vessels originally featured a finish of 24-karat gold or sterling silver, plated over the base material. At The Clergy Store we offer extensive expertise in restoration, replating, and refinishing, excels in working with brass, bronze, and silver. Our sacred vessel replating service utilizes the same premium materials, electroplating your vessels, and then meticulously polishing them to perfection.

To inquire about your next restoration project, please submit photo’s to An experienced team member is ready to address any questions you may have.

Restoration ChaliceRestoration Chalice

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